SafeGround Blog

Commentary and updates from the SafeGround team

Exploring AI for good in Pacific

SafeGround’s Pacific team have been exploring instances of artificial intelligence (AI) used for good across Pacific Island nations and found some...

How will killer robots affect the Pacific Islands?

An arms race with lethal autonomous weapons is on. Lethal autonomous weapons, also known as Killer Robots,...

Barriers to joining the Convention on Cluster Munitions in the Pacific?

SafeGround is exploring the barriers, challenges and incentives to Pacific nations joining the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions.

Conventions and considerations for the Pacific

Conventions and considerations for the Pacific

SafeGround has been exploring the barriers, challenges and incentives to Pacific nations joining the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions. AS part of this effort we co-hosted a side event at the 2RC of the Convention on Cluster Munitions with the...

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Statement on Australian 2020 Defence Strategic Update

On 1 July Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Australia’s 2020 Defence Strategic Update which he described as a response to a “poorer, more dangerous world”. The Defence Strategic Update outlined expenditure for increased defence capabilities totalling $270...

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Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems

While the idea of ‘killer robots’ or lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) that may select and engage targets without meaningful human control may sound like science-fiction, the development of these LAWS are actually closer to reality than we may believe. Just last...

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Safe Ground’s Continued Pacific Research

Although World War 2 ended over 70 years ago, many communities in what was the Pacific area of operations are still living with dangerous legacies of left over bombs and explosives. Safe Ground researchers have already contributed a considerable amount of research and...

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